There’s no doubt about it, us Northern Irish really are a rare breed.
And it’s fairly easy to see why. All you have to do is take a look back at our weird and wonderful childhoods…
Things all Norn Irish people did when we were childer…
1. You got a batin’ for leavin the murshon on.
2. You got a batin’ for beakin off school.
3. You ran into the house to beg for money when you heard the poke man’s music.
4. You’ve never ran faster that when you played rap the doors.
6. You got threatened with the wooden spoon.
7. You’ve said this infamous line.
8. You’ve explored a dilapidated/abandoned house with your mates.
9. You had a street dog that was part of your gang.
10. You had a chippy or chinese on a Friday night.
11. You got a bus to Kelly’s in Portush/ the Coach in Banbridge at age 15.
12. You played kerbsy.
13. The best summer of your life was spent at a caravan park in either Portrush or Newcastle.
14. When you were sick, or in hospital, someone always brought you a bottle of this because for some reason we believe that it has medicinal qualities.
15. You loved going to your granny’s because she’d sneak you money.
16. You have 100 cousins. And you don’t even know the half of them.
17. You weren’t allowed to eat anything after school because…
18. You’ve seen May McFetridge in Panto.
19. You kept towels in the hotpress. (And probably still do)
20. You collected these. And spent days on end practicing wee tricks.
21. If you did anything wrong, you were threatened with ‘the man’.
22. When your ma or da was really angry, you’d hear these four words.
23. You had to try not to cry in front of your mates when you got smacked on the knuckles playing conkers.
24. “Stewed bugs and onions” was a standard reply when you asked what’s for dinner.
Thanks for reading!
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